Every well helps – every Swisskalk system counts!
Blog – Swisskalk in Cameroon 2014
Day 1
Dear Swisskalk Customers
For almost 15 years, Swisskalk has been promoting water quality; today, we have started a charity campaign to collect donations in order to tackle this problem. Not everyone on earth has access to fresh water on a daily basis. People in Central Europe, on the other hand, consume in the region of 140 litres of water every day (according to various studies). However, people in West Africa have to manage with about one tenth of this amount and have to go for miles to get it.
We want our motto to be: “Every well helps – every Swisskalk system counts”.
Right now, we are on our way to Cameroon (Africa) in order to build our first well. We have donated the first well ourselves and beginning today, we will build a new well for the people in Africa after every 150th Swisskalk system has been ordered under the motto “Every well helps – every Swisskalk system counts”. You will continue to receive our descaling systems at the usual prices and terms – and we will donate a part of the sales revenue to people in need.
Day 2 – Arrival in Cameroon / Introduction of the Project Manager
After a long search, we have found an excellent organisation. It will erect this as well as all future wells. The St. Martin Foundation from Baar has been completing well-construction projects since 1992 and has already accumulated plenty of experience by building almost 1,500 wells.
Peter Rey, project manager of the drinking-water project “Water Is Life” (or “PEP” as it is known in Cameroon) and his team have consistently supported us with their advice and work, while also organising a lot in advance.
Interview with Peter Rey
Question 1: Why is this well being built in Otélé, what are the criteria according to which you select locations?
Answer: There is no clean drinking water available in this area and people live far away from the nearest water-supply point. Villages wishing to receive a well have to actively approach us. Then we examine whether the village meets our regulations or not.
Question 2: How long does it take to build a well?
Answer: The construction of the Swisskalk well took only 2 weeks. The construction of the well was relatively easy and went smoothly, so it was possible to complete the well in a relatively short time. The well has a depth of 25 metres and supplies 800 litres of water per hour.
Question 3: How many persons/families are supplied by this well now?
Answer: Approximately 300 people.
Final Remarks:
We look forward to the construction of the 1,500th well next year which we will mark with a big celebration. We want to continue to help the people here in Cameroon to have clean drinking water. We would like to thank you for the support from those who made donations. Without them, the construction and maintenance of the drinking-water wells would be impossible.
Day 3 – Drive to the Location / Commissioning of the Well
Today, we are on site for the first time and will commission the completed well together with the members of the Projets Eau Portable (PEP).
In order to guarantee the transport of the drinking water now available, we have also donated a canister to each household. In order to give the children a little treat, my co-workers and I brought some chocolate from home.
Day 4 – Return Trip and Final Remarks
Thus, the first milestone of the well project “Every well helps – every Swisskalk system counts” has come to a success conclusion. We are on the way home in order to be able to support you with water treatment. Our minds are full of emotional and wonderful memories. Now we hope for your help, so that the next well can be built in the near future and that thousands of other people may be able to have access to the most precious and necessary of commodities in their daily lives.